Our Giving Group, Inc.

Our Passion
We were on a family trip to Chicago a few years back. When we were walking one evening close to our hotel, just taking in the sights, we encountered a few homeless people. One gentleman in particular touched our heart. He sat close to our hotel and we would speak to him each morning. He had kind eyes and always had a smile for us. We gave him money and food but we still felt like there was more we could have done.
That visit to Chicago and that man's smile stayed with us. We talked to our parents about what we could do to help the homeless. After we talked a lot about it, we thought that it would be awesome to create a group for kids to help kids. So, we started OGG, Inc.
We help homeless and at risk kids by providing school supplies, clothes and fun, educational excursions. We want them to know that their circumstances are temporary and don't define them. They are special and they are loved.

Your TAX EXEMPT contributions will make all the difference in our ability to make a difference! So, please donate today!
We are based on the metro Atlanta area. We will have a membership as soon as it is safe - in the wake of COVID-19, so stay tuned! In the mean time, you can donate to help our efforts!
Our mission is simple. We want to provide motivation and inspiration to homeless and at risk children by showing them that we care and believe in them.
We are a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization

A special message for you.

We appreciate our donors so much for making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION!
Because of you, this spring we are able to provide outstanding outreach and support to a great organization. Please check out our, "What we are up to'" page for more!
The pandemic has hit so many people so hard. None has been hit harder than our homeless and at risk kids. It is never too late to give, please consider being a blessing to them!
Thank you in advance for helping us to help others.
Peace, blessings & fairy dust,
Beverly-Claire & Madeleine